Monday, August 5, 2013

67 Years...

Tony's Grandparents had their 67th wedding anniversary this last month! That is a long time! Grandpa is 95 and Grandma will be 90, they still do so great!! A couple weekends ago we went out to Park Valley for a luncheon and reception in their honor. Marsha had all of her kids there and all but one of her grandkids and one great grandchild there. That's pretty good!:)
 The kids were pretty bored, and spent a lot of time outside running around. It rained on and off so they enjoyed that, I think.

 Quincy loves her dad so much she hugged him all her own and asked me to take a picture, he better enjoy that while it lasts! Halia wouldn't go near him, she was too busy!
 Quincy's favorite uncle right now, the single ones are always the most fun!
 We went for a little drive to see if we could get some naps in...only Halia gave in. The sky was so pretty between storms.
 Off for a short ride before we went to pick up Granny to head home!

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