Monday, December 6, 2010

The North Pole Express!

My parents for Christmas bought us all tickets for the North Pole Express on the Heber Creeper. So Friday we went and had so much fun! Here we are waiting for the train to board.

They handed out some really good cookies and hot chocolate. Then Mrs. Claus came around and met all the kids and gave them the recipe for the cookies.

All of the kids had so much fun!
Santa Claus came on board when we got to the North Pole it was all decorated with lights and was so pretty. He talked to each of the kids and gave them a top. Quincy was fine with sitting on his lap, but wouldn't look at him.
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma, we love you!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

How fun! Looks like the holidays are off to a great start for you guys!