Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rosiola and 4th of July!

Well last week was pretty much a nightmare. This girl was so moody and naughty and high fever all week. I took her to the Dr and her normal Dr wasn't there so she saw another one and he said she was trying to get and ear infection and gave her amoxicilin. Then the next morning RASH! So back to the Dr and her Dr was there this time and he said Rosiola!
You can't really see it that well, but the rash was all over her belly and chest and face and her eyes were swollen. It was very sad!
Then for the weekend she was better and we went up to Chalk Creek with a bunch of friends. It was alot of fun and sooo nice to get away! Quincy loved playing by the tent and with our dog Dixie!
Throwing a tantrum, even in the DIRT!
We went on a Four Wheeler ride up to the lookout.

When we got home we cleaned up and went to my parents, it was fun to see everybody!


Leandra said...

POOR LITTLE Q! Its so hard when they get that kind of rashes or sick in general.., Even harder when you can't take their pain away. All that you can do is wait it out, with medication :( Hope that she gets on the mend really quickly. Other than that it sounds like you had fun times over the 4th. Sad we couldn't be there at your parents, but we were already with mine for the 4th.

Mitch and Holly said...

I'm sorry for her. That is no fun, I hope she gets better.