Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Funny Girl!

I was making cookies yesterday when I noticed that Quincy was really busy dragging her wood puzzle into the kitchen. She played and played and then moved onto something else when I noticed there was no mess. She had put all of her puzzle pieces into Tony's shoes by the door! She has been into putting things in stuff lately like into boxes and drawers.

Then last night I heard clumping around the house and Quincy had her boots on her hands and was crawling around!

Today we went to mom and dads house and Quincy was playing on the couch. She is wearing one of my dresses from when I was little. It is a 24 months and doesn't even cover her bum! So she is fashioning it as a shirt!

We were sharing a cone and she ripped it out of my hand and finished it off herself!!


Lindsay said...

Quincy is such a cute girl! Love all the funny pictures :) Cant wait to see you guys in a couple weeks for the Christmas Party! Have a good Thanksgiving!!!!

Leandra said...

Quincy Girl, is just so darn CUTE! I love it, with the things she has been doing lately :) We Love you all!

Shari said...

She is so adorable! She's definitely looking more like you too, Melanie. She's getting so big too.