Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well, I haven't updated for a long time. We have been trying to get some bottom teeth to come in for 3 weeks now. I am about to rip all my hair out!! Poor Quincy has been in so much pain she don't even know what to do with herself. She is rolling now, she sometimes will go from belly to back, but this morning she accomplished the back to belly and she thinks it is really fun!! I just can't believe how much she is growing and lately she just looks so different to me. She is such a little sweetheart and wants to be in bed by 7pm and sleeps till 7:30. It is really nice it is just hilarious how she gets by 7 at night she can't even function and once her eyes are closed they won't open for anything!! I will try and post some new pictures soon!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Poor little Quincy! I saw Tony yesterday and he said that she was having a hard time :( I'm sure you've tried everything but just incase those teething tablets you can just buy over the counter worked great also Reese loved chewing on a cool wet rag, Good luck I hope she feels better soon!!